Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories

Online Payment Portal

This online payment portal will allow customers to make credit card payments against any current balances due to Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories.

For help making online payments, call (970) 297-1281 or email us at

Credit Cards Accepted - Visa, MasterCard, Discover (Note - If you wish to make a payment greater than $10,000, please contact Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories.)



  1. Click on the Open Invoices button below.
  2. Enter the amount you wish to pay.  Then click on the Add to Cart button.
  3. Answer the questions found at the ecart.
  4. When satisfied, click on the CHECKOUT button.
  5. Follow the checkout process.
  6. Click the Confirm button, you will be directed to a secure payment portal to enter your credit card information.
  7. A payment email notification will be sent to the email provided during the checkout process.
  8. NOTE - If you make a payment just before the 10th of each month, the amount paid may not be reflected in your monthly account statement.
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Open Invoices

Please use this to make a credit card payment against one or more open invoices. Credit Cards Accepted - Visa, MasterCard, Discover (Note - If if you wish to make a payment greater than $10,000, to please contact Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories.)